Returning to list

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Returning to list

Post by CandaceDS »

Hello. This seems like a stupid question and may have been answered already, but I haven't found the answer. When I run a search and have multiple entries, after I click and look at on one of them, I'd like to be able to go back to my list of entries and look at another, but the simple back button asks me to resubmit the whole query. Isn't there an easy way to go back to my list without starting over? Thanks in advance!
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Re: Returning to list

Post by choralia »

I haven't been able to reproduce your problem. Could you please provide some details, such as some step-by-step instructions?

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Re: Returning to list

Post by Claude_T »

Oh, I know that very well. It happens to me many times a day.
It depends on the browser you use and its configuration.
Are you aware of the dangers of the 'Back' button...
when you just achieved to pay your tax bill, aren't you afraid to go back an forth to pay twice ;-) ?
So, Firefox, when I go back to the results of my last query, says:
"To avoid piracy of your session (!!!)
please renew your query", etc!
It's boring. It happens to me through Firefox since a recent version change.
Try another browser.
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Re: Returning to list

Post by CHGiffen »

The simplest way (even with Firefox), instead of simply clicking on an entry returned by the search query, is to right click on an entry and select "Open in a new tab" or "Open in a new window" ... this leaves the original window/tab with the search query results undisturbed.
Charles H. Giffen
CPDL Board of Directors Chair
Admin at & Manager of ChoralWiki
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