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Watchlist page

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 04:56
by Richard Mix
In the last few days I've consistently timed out and had no access to my watchlist. If it has to do with the ever increasing number of edits, is there a way to go directly to a "don't show minor/bot edits" view?

Re: Watchlist page

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 12:52
by choralia
In the last few days we had a pretty large CPU load on the main server. This was probably a combination of various things: Linux kernel update due to security reasons; running of our "spider" to capture information to be used for maintenance of the wiki (plus batch edits resulting from that); undesirable foreign spiders downloading thousands of pages. We often experienced a CPU load between 8 and 10, while we have 4 CPUs, so processes had regularly to wait some time until a free CPU was available.

Today the CPU load seems normal (around 1, maximum 2), so response time should be normal now.

Anyway, you can activate the "hide minor edits" function by clicking on ... ideminor=1, i.e., by adding the query string hideminor=1 to the URL.
